17 mayo 2006
15 mayo 2006

This WE was nice, the car was nice, Stereolab was nice, the weather was nice, the girl threatening the guy with a knife in the metropolitain at 7am was... hum...
Push the button baby!
12 mayo 2006

A diamond necklace played the pawn Hand in hand some drummed along oh To a handsome man and baton A blind class aristocracy Back through the op'ra glass you see The pit and the pendulum drawn Columnated ruins domino Hung velvet overtaken me Dim chandelier awaken me To a song dissolved in the dawn The music hall a costly bow The music all is lost for now To a muted trumperter swan Columnated ruins domino Canvass the town and brush the backdrop Are you sleeping Brother John? Dove nested towers the hour was Strike the street quicksilver moon Carriage across the fog Two-Step to lamplight cellar tune The laughs come hard in Auld Lang Syne The glass was raised the fired rose The fullness of the wine the dim last toasting While at port adieu or die A choke of grief hard hardened I Beyond belief a broken man too tough to cry Surf's Up Aboard a tidal wave Come about hard and join The young and often spring you gave I heard the word Wonderful thing a children's song.
10 mayo 2006

This is the song that was looping in my head this morning as I was taking a shower.
Push the button and it might happen to you too.
05 mayo 2006

I've been listening to "Tapestry" for 3 weeks now, and that's how it starts.
Push the button and check your feet.
04 mayo 2006

How nice! I found a picture of a concert I went to six years ago! The guy on the guitar also plays with St-Étienne.
Push the button and close your eyes.
02 mayo 2006

I took part in a short race yesterday with a friend of mine, we were quite satisfied with our pace until we realised we had taken a wrong route and had to cycle back 4 extra kilometers. Not our fault!
Push the button and understand that there are so many ways...